Till then it is using by millions of users around the world. This note-taking app was created by Microsoft. Yes, OneNote is one of the oldest note-taking apps in the world. OneNote: The Grand Daddy Of Note-Taking App: Lawyers can take advantage of this note-taking app. If you want to take notes in the simplest ways, then, Simplenote is the best option for you. To Import Notes Form Other Note-Taking Apps Is Quite Hard.You cannot clip websites or articles because there is no Web clipper.One Of The Most Secure Note-Taking App.The Creators Of WordPress Created Simplenote.Reason To Choose Simplenote Over Evernote: It has not enough features but some features that are very good for everyday use.

Simplenote is the cleanest and free Evernote alternative in the world. Let’s discuss the pros and cons of this note-taking app. There are some pros and cons of Simplenote. Simplenote is one of the cleanest and easiest note-taking apps for professionals. Simplenote: The Simplest Evernote Markdown Alternative: I hope you will love those free Evernote alternatives in this list. Here is a small list of Evernote free alternative. Unique List Of Best Free Eevernote Alternative: Many note-taking apps like Roam Research, Obsidian, Notejoy, RemNote, Zettlr, Workflowy, Dynalist, Mem Notes, etc note-taking apps use bi-directional liking notes. Bi-directional liking notes is an unique way to make connection between notes.

My Final Though About Best Free Evernote Alternative:.8. Zettlr: A True Zettelkasten Note-Taking And Writing App:.Dynalist: Simple But Powerful Note-Taking App: 6. Typora: A Destruction Free Writer And Note-Taking App:.Google Keep: The Best Mobile Based Note-Taking App: 4. Notion: The Modern All In One Note-Taking Apps:.3. Obsidian: Most Advanced Note-Taking App:.1. Simplenote: The Simplest Evernote Markdown Alternative:.Unique List Of Best Free Eevernote Alternative:.