Which is why I brought up the download, repackage, and test. Parsing the version and then curl-ing the mozilla project site and then automating the download and upgrade.

So the automation solution I was hinting at would be ridiculous to set up. But that would be a fragile solution since if Mozilla revamps or renames their page the script could and would likely break. The only other thing would be to do a curl on this address - and look for the version string in there with grep/awk, etc -Its in several places- and then use that to compare it against what the installed app is reporting. Perhaps its a URL you can do some checking against, but I'm not so sure. Maybe install Little Snitch on a Mac with an old version of FF, connect it to the internet and open the app, See what Little Snitch reports. So its checking against something, but not sure what. Hence if you have an out of date version and fire it up you'll get a page telling you the version you have is old and should be updated.

Of course, Firefox does do some kind of version check when it launches. You could get the same with a 'defaults read /Applications/Firefox.app/Contents/Info CFBundleVersion' But neither of those really help with determining if the version you have installed is out of date. Didn't know there was a built in version check.