Image locations are loaded fresh upon each iteration and held within the program so you can add, update and remove frames without stopping it if you want to. jpeg support or something I can add a toggle though. png files because I don’t see why you’d use any other format in 2014. Images are loaded alphabetically, so all of these are valid: On load it defaults to whatever directory it’s sitting in, but if you want to keep it somewhere else you can select the folder source post-load. png into a folder and then just overwrite them in the same way when you want to update a frame. The goal is to allow for viewing of wip animations being made in Sai without having to load the project into Photoshop, Flash, or whatever your external timeline of choice is. Because attempting to animate in the purgatory that is a midway between Sai and Photoshop is akin to sawing off your dick with a nail file, I got around to this last week.